Inauguration of the work TOWARDS YOU, a preview of the exhibition Miramare contemporanea, a work by Bianco-Valente unveiled today in the Lower Parterre of the Miramare Castle Park.
The inauguration was attended by the director of the Historical Museum and Park of the Castle of Miramare Andreina Contessa, the curator of the exhibition opening in December Melania Rossi and the president of the Barcolana Mitja Gialuz, who symbolically unveiled the work on the very day that marks the start of the sailing event.
Andreina Contessa (Director) ‘The work is also a tribute that the Miramare Museum offers to the Barcolana, the world’s most crowded regatta, which from next week will bring thousands of visitors to Trieste. The work Towards you crosses the horizon placed between the environment and the observer, between the land and the sea, and builds a bridge between an I and a you, between nature and art, between the here and the beyond: a beautiful sign for Barcolana that broadens the horizons of the world by uniting them in the Gulf of Trieste’.
Melania Rossi (curator) ‘The iconic work stands between the observer and the landscape and can also be admired from the sea. Towards you creates a bridge between the land and the sea, the here and the beyond. It bears witness to how much the nature of the places we live becomes part of our being and our life’.
Mitja Gialuz (Barcolana President) ‘It is a pleasure and an honour for Barcolana to participate in the unveiling of this work. It is a historic moment, because contemporary art officially enters the Miramare Park. Personally I am passionate about public art and I believe that, today more than ever, public art has a very important social function. This is a Barcolana dedicated to positive energy, in a difficult context of wars and international tensions. I believe that art and culture are fundamental to overcome this moment and to make us understand that, to build a better world together, we must start from artistic expression. Symbolically opening Barcolana with this unveil has great value for all of us’.