Reading for children – age groups 2-6 years old and 6- 12 years old |5 August 2022 | 5.00pm

This event is organised in the framework of the Project LeggiAMO 0-18, sponsored by the Autonomous Region of Friuli Venezia Giulia and implemented in collaboration with Centro per la Salute del Bambino onlus, Damatrà onlus and WWF Area Marina Protetta di Miramare. Throughout the summer, from June to September, parks and gardens will host readings and invite adults and children to share the pleasure of outdoor reading, to discover the beautiful relationship between children, books and nature. Over 60 events will be organised, for a summer full of stories under the open sky! In Miramare, the event will take place in the area of Bagno Ducale.

“The road to books passes by…” is aimed at children and families and combines theatre performances, stage readings, music workshops, special visits to museums and other interesting events. The idea is to take books out of the library and make them “walk” to the theatre, the museum, the cinema, the media library, music houses, parks, gardens and even … people’s homes! A new road made of stories will reach many places to combine the pleasure of shared reading with other arts in the most diverse cultural contexts.

The project is led by Damatrà onlus and combines reading with other local cultural initiatives, with a view to creating synergies and supporting community development.

The event will be in italian.

Info: 2022.pdf

Bookings: 040 224147;