
Work in progress Miramare parking area – 31 October 2024

Work in progress Miramare parking area – 31 October 2024

31st October 2024 Visitors are informed that work is in progress in the area of the Miramare car parks to carry out geological surveys with core drilling. The area concerned will be temporarily restricted to allow the activities to be carried out correctly. We...

Miramare Museum regularly open from 1 to 4 November 2024

Miramare Museum regularly open from 1 to 4 November 2024

On 1st November, on the occasion of All Saints' Day, the Historical Museum and Park of the Castle of Miramare will be open according to the usual admission procedures. In addition, free admission on Sunday 3rd November for ‘Sunday at the Museum’, the initiative that...

4 November free entrance to Miramare

4 November free entrance to Miramare

On Monday 4th November 2024, on the occasion of National Unity Day and Armed Forces Day, the Historical Museum and Park of Miramare Castle will be open free of charge. Opening hours: - The Park from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.; - The Museum from 9.a.m. to 7 p.m. (last entrance...

NOTICE Castles Run – 20th October 2024

NOTICE Castles Run – 20th October 2024

We inform visitors that, on the occasion of the event Corsa dei Castelli scheduled for Sunday 20th October 2024, the transit of vehicles from Bivio Miramare to Castello will be prohibited from 07:00 to 10:15 and from Duino (Bivio Tre Noci) to Trieste from 06:00 to...



I grandi incontri tornano, nella Sala del Trono del Castello di Miramare, da ottobre a gennaio! Quattro eventi dal titolo “Da Miramare al Cosmo” organizzati dall’Institute for Fundamental Physics of the Universe (IFPU) in collaborazione con il Museo Storico e il Parco...

Temporary car park closure 14, 15 and 16 October

Temporary car park closure 14, 15 and 16 October

Visitors are informed that on Monday 14, Tuesday 15 and Wednesday 16 October p.v. the parking area, starting from the gate at the Carabinieri station, along Viale dei Lecci, up to the Castle, will be closed to traffic and parking for diagnostic investigations...



Grande successo e tanta curiosità hanno suscitato nei numerosi visitatori di queste giornate di vacanza i nuovi pannelli tattili che hanno trovato collocazione nel Parco storico di Miramare. Il progetto complessivo, che vedrà anche la sistemazione di un ultimo...

Notice to Visitors | July 25

Notice to Visitors | July 25

Notice to Visitors We inform our kind visitors that on Thursday, July 25, the Duke of Aosta's apartments wing will be closed to the public from 8:30 AM to 1:00 PM. After this time, the wing will be regularly accessible to the public. We apologize for the inconvenience



NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC: TREE SAFETY WORK ALONG THE GRIGNANO STEPS NOTICE: Access to the Grignano staircase will be closed to the public on Wednesday 3 July from 7 a.m. until the safety work on the trees along the route has been completed. The felling of a pine tree on...

notice: museum closure on 27th June

notice: museum closure on 27th June

Visitors are informed that on 27th June the Historical Museum and Park of Miramare Castle will be closed to the public for an institutional event. The closure will affect both the Castle and the Park. We apologise for the inconvenience.

A Europe of United Gardens

A Europe of United Gardens

The ERHG celebrates the VII Annual Forum of Historic Gardens on May 29th under the topic "A Europe of United Gardens" Hosted by Zugdidi Botanical Gardens (Georgia), the Forum will count with the participation of 21 lecturers from 7 different countries. The ERHG...

Shuttles to Miramare start up again!

Shuttles to Miramare start up again!

Miramare 15th May In order to enjoy the beauty of nature while comfortably seated, the shuttles are back in operation. They will accompany tourists to the most evocative and hidden corners of the historic Miramare Park! The service will run until 15th October from...

How to reach the Historical Museum and Park of Miramare Castle

How to reach the Historical Museum and Park of Miramare Castle

The museum management recommends the use of the train and the motorship Delfino Verde as the preferred means to reach the site. Please note that it is also possible to arrive at the museum on two wheels and that there is both a bicycle parking area and a bike-sharing...

Trieste Spring Run 2024

Trieste Spring Run 2024

On the occasion of the Trieste Spring Run 2024 event, on Sunday 5th May 2024 traffic on the coastal road and on the stretch of road between viale Miramare and Roiano will be suspended from 6 a.m. to the end of the event (estimated maximum 2 p.m.). In addition, during...

Ripartono le visite ai luoghi speciali di Miramare!

Ripartono le visite ai luoghi speciali di Miramare!

Ripartono le visite ai luoghi speciali di Miramare! Un appuntamento esclusivo dedicato alla scoperta dei luoghi poco conosciuti, ma fondamentali nella quotidianità del Castello di Miramare! Partendo dall’ingresso del Castello, si raggiungono le cucine dove venivano...



Da qualche giorno, grazie alla collaborazione con l'ufficio mobilità e traffico del Comune di Trieste, sono disponibili anche a Miramare le biciclette di Bicincitta Italia S.r.l., Grazie a questo servizio di sharing mobility che parte con la bella stagione il...

Ciclo grandi incontri a Miramare | Cresciuti dalle stelle

Ciclo grandi incontri a Miramare | Cresciuti dalle stelle

Si è svolto ieri pomeriggio, nella Sala del Trono del Castello di Miramare, il secondo appuntamento con il Ciclo Grandi Incontri a Miramare " Cresciuti dalle stelle" con protagonista il professor Roberto Trotta. L'incontro è stato introdotto da Andreina Contessa,...

Notice to the public

Notice to the public

Notice is hereby given of the precautionary closure of the Park from now until the end of today, and in any case until the expiration of the current weather alert by virtue of the weather alert issued by the Regional Operations Room of the Civil Protection, with a...

Miramare | more than one million visitors

Miramare | more than one million visitors

Miramare, 27th December 2023 The year 2023 for the Miramare Museum, which belongs to the Ministry of Culture, is closing with another record. There have never been so many visitors to the Castle Park, where the one million mark has been reached and surpassed! In...

New bookshop a Miramare

New bookshop a Miramare

The new bookshop run by CoopCulture arrives at the Historical Museum of Miramare Lots of new await you including cases, books and souvenirs, with a special section dedicated to children. The bookshop follows the same opening hours as the Museum.   [gallery...

Special openings 25 December and 1 January

Special openings 25 December and 1 January

Special openings of the Historical Museum, the Park and the Stables of Miramare Castle! 25th December: from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. 1st January: from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. (the Park closes at 4 p.m.). The ticket offices of the Castle and the Stables will close 30 minutes before...

Miramare | formalizzato l’acquisto delle “serre Sgaravatti”

Miramare | formalizzato l’acquisto delle “serre Sgaravatti”

Grazie al sostegno economico del Ministero della Cultura, il Museo storico e il Parco del Castello di Miramare ha formalizzato venerdì scorso con una firma davanti al notaio l’acquisto dei 4 mila e 43 metri quadrati che hanno ospitato per lunghissimi anni il vivaio...

Biglietti e prenotazioni DAL 20 DICEMBRE 2023

Biglietti e prenotazioni DAL 20 DICEMBRE 2023

A partire dal 20 dicembre 2023 per acquistare biglietti online o prenotare visite al Museo Storico e il Parco del Castello di Miramare, contattare CoopCulture: Per il Museo Storico di Miramare, cliccare qui. Per la mostra "Kosmos. Il Veliero della conoscenza",...

Road from Bivio to Castello closed to vehicles over 3.5 t.

Road from Bivio to Castello closed to vehicles over 3.5 t.

Notice to visitors Notice is hereby given that, due to the heavy sea storms that have hit the city over the past few days, the Municipality of Trieste has issued an ordinance regarding vehicular traffic in the stretch between the Bivio di Miramare and the entrance to...

The Women’s Universe

The Women’s Universe

In the Miramare Castle the conference "The Women's Universe" is about to begin to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the founding of JCAP, Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics. Two exceptional female scientists engage in a dialogue on gender issues in the...



Si avvisano i gentili visitatori che lunedì 9 ottobre ore 11.00 si terrà, nella Sala dei Trono del Castello di Miramare, la conferenza stampa per la Corsa dei Castelli. Si avvisano i gentili visitatori che il giorno della manifestazione sportiva (15 ottobre) sarà...


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